Saturday, June 6, 2009

What - snow in June??!! But snow is still beautiful!

I have kept these for when we get a spring snowstorm to remind you all that even though it SHOULD BE +25 at least snow is still always beautiful! And Ashley and Nikki helped me on one cold cold day in March to show you all! I believe it was -25 and I brought along my grandpa's fur coat to help keep them both warm. It did just that and a few times it was "no it's my turn now";) I also had to do some photos with it. So I hope you all enjoy these and thanks again girls at the end of the day that hot chocolate and coffee was more than welcome!


  1. Love the first one! BRRRR though! I am glad my session is inside tomorrow! :)

  2. I love these Michelle!! Nice work on keeping them for a snowy day!
