Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Surprise Surprise!

A few months ago I received a call that our neighbour was getting married quietly up in the hills and to keep quiet. Wow Derek was getting married!! We had spent alot of time together being neighbours at the farm and alot of late nights drinking ect so we know each other really well! After saying for all these yrs he never would Marlayna took him off his feet. They met a few yrs ago at the MC auction ring and there Daisy caught Dirty's eye. A few yrs later Peyton was born and then this wonderful marriage up in the Hills just a few miiles from where Marty and I were married. It was a cold drizzling day but we got beautiful photos especially at Uncle Jack's old barn. Even with the rain everyone was in good spirits including when Greg was wandering in the barn loft and decided to try go through the floor! Thank God it was only one leg! Congratulations guys and see Dirty marriage isn't that bad after all!

Dirty said to me why the heck are you taking photos of us in kosher weeds? This is why!

1 comment:

  1. YEAH! A blog post! ;)
    Just teasing!
    They look beautiful!
